Arne Vlietinck

Published on: July 4, 2019

If data, computer vision and IoT are the things that make your heart beat faster, but you haven’t left school yet, then you might consider an internship at Kapernikov. It’s exactly what Arne Vlietinck did. As a student in computer sciences at KU Leuven, Arne was invited by Kapernikov to explore the world of Azure IoT Edge.

“My internship at Kapernikov this summer was a great experience,” says Arne. “During my weeks there, I was able to get a feel of the Internet of Things. I learned what it is like to work in an innovative consulting company, and it definitely gives me a taste for more.”

Exploring the edge

Kapernikov allowed me to dig a little deeper into the world of IoT.

During his internship, Arne was asked to investigate Azure IoT Edge as a solution for deployment, configuration and monitoring of industrial sensors and control systems.

Today, the world of IoT is moving more and more functionality to the edge. This makes feedbacks loops much faster, because the data does not need to be uploaded to the cloud. But can this principle be applied to Industry 4.0 as well? That was for Arne to find out.

Mixing home office with the Kapernikov headquarters in Brussels, Arne started to dive deep into the topic of Microsoft Azure. Ploughing through documentation, tutorials, and getting a real feel of IoT architectures… It was an educational experience for Arne.

“I had some previous experience with IoT, but this assignment allowed me to dive a little deeper,” says Arne. “I also helped develop proofs of concept and I learned more about the use of Docker containers.”

Fresh perspective

But life is not all about work. Did Arne get a chance to experience some of the typical Kapernikov atmosphere?

“I did! Kapernikov offers a pleasant working environment. As a student, I felt very welcome, even with the more experienced colleagues.”

“Kapernikov offers you the opportunity to learn a lot and you can see that the company has a fresh perspective on things. Take the company’s view on mobility for example. For Kapernikov, mobility is so much more than cars. In fact, you are really stimulated to use greener modes of transport. Finally, a company that practices what it preaches.”

Kapernikov has a fresh perspective on things. Mobility is one of them.

The art of consulting

Would Arne recommend Kapernikov to fellow students?

“Absolutely, although I would recommend students to follow their interests first and foremost. But if IoT, data or computer vision are your thing, then Kapernikov is definitely the place to be.”

“For me personally, I have become more attracted to consulting as a profession. I noticed that Kapernikov consultants get the chance to get to know various companies in a short time.