Gina Stavropoulou

Published on: August 30, 2018

We could easily get technical about Kapernikov’s expertise and bamboozle people with expensive jargon, but Gina Stavropoulou likes to keep it simple: “We help our clients solve problems with customized solutions by looking into their data.” In this post, Gina talks about joining Kapernikov as a data consultant and about working with Lidar technology for Infrabel.

Life in 3D

Gina joined Kapernikov in November 2017. Now, after working for Kapernikov’s customer Infrabel for almost one year, she is happy to present the final result. Gina helped Infrabel to develop an automatic vegetation detection system based on 3D Lidar scanner data. The technology helps Infrabel to get a clear overview of its railway infrastructure and to avoid obstruction on railways from overgrowing plants and trees.


Gina Stavropoulou

Current Position:

Point Cloud hero


Bachelor Rural and Surveying Engineering
Master of Science, Geographical Information Science & Archaeology

Recommends Kapernikov:

For people who love flexibility and taking on a variety of projects

Wide range of skills

The Infrabel project fitted Gina to a T. Gina had been working with 3D data before in a previous position and she has extensive knowledge of GIS systems and spatial analysis.  

“3D data has always been around for me,” says Gina. “With the Infrabel project, I finally had the opportunity to go one step further and actually process 3D data.”

Kapernikov offers a lot of freedom and opportunities for training.

The Lidar project at Infrabel was one of the reasons Gina joined Kapernikov. But also the company’s variety of projects and fields of expertise appealed to her: GIS, computer vision, data management… “The Lidar project for Infrabel has now been finalized, but I hope to take on more different projects in the future so I can develop a wide range of skills.”

Great atmosphere

“Kapernikov has a pleasant working atmosphere and it’s great to work with so many smart people,” says Gina. “The vegetation detection system for Infrabel was basically a personal project, but fortunately, there are quite a few Kapernikov colleagues that work for Infrabel as well. So, it was great to interact with them on a regular basis too.”

Gina has a final recommendation for budding data consultants: “If you need a company where you have a lot of freedom, a lot of training opportunities, and where your life outside of work is respected, then Kapernikov is the place where you need to be.”