Fabrice Dumont

Published on: December 1, 2020

Who says that starting a career in data consulting is only possible for the younger generation? With the right mindset and the right environment to foster talent development, nothing stood in the way for Fabrice Dumont to flourish as he was offered a new job path at Kapernikov at 45.

In the years before, Fabrice (or Fab, as we call him at Kapernikov) had been working the floors at hardware wholesalers and stores, where he enjoyed gathering and organizing detailed knowledge about all the products sold. Clearly, he already had a knack for data back then. That, and his down to earth can-do mentality, made him a great candidate for data management at Kapernikov.

In December 2016, Fab joined the Kapernikov team that is ensuring the readiness of all master data used in Belgian railway infrastructure manager Infrabel’s asset management system. He rolled up his sleeves and started to dig deep into the world of equipment data delivered by Infrabel’s team of field agents. Along the way, he also used his insights to support his Kapernikov team members who were helping Infrabel to make their data collection process more uniform and easy to use.

The joys of checking data

With his long standing experience of dotting i’s and crossing t’s while checking and validating all sorts of asset data, Fab has built up considerable knowledge on Infrabels railway equipment. Where most people would probably shy away from having to routinely check files of thousands of lines, he actually enjoys it. 

“By now, I have no problem to spot any kind of mistake in the data I check, because through my experience, I immediately understand what I am looking at. I actually take pride in my job because it has a tangible impact: through making sure that I deliver clean and correct data, I am directly contributing to the safety of Belgium’s railway network.”


Fabrice “Fab” Dumont

Current Position:

Data Sniper


PhD in rock ‘n’ roll

Recommends Kapernikov:

to anyone who likes autonomy.

Keeping it real

At Kapernikov, Fab found a workplace where he feels that he can simply be himself. He enjoys doing things he is good at and can organize his tasks in the way that works best for him. That way, everyone wins. 

“In the beginning, I wanted to learn more about programming, but I soon realized that path was not meant for me. Thankfully, Kapernikov saw that I had other qualities and put me to work in positions where my talents bring the most value.”