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Operational Intelligence

Data governance

Regain control over your data

Digital transformation holds many promises for utility companies and manufacturers. On the other hand, the proliferation of data that comes with new digital technologies continually challenges the way businesses are organized. To make data a true driver of success, companies need to regain control over their data streams.

What company data is critical? Who has access to it? How is it maintained, corrected or updated? And how can you make sure that data quality is preserved? Those questions belong to the domain of data governance. Kapernikov can work together with your team to improve the way your data is managed in your company and to make sure that your organization and processes are fully adapted to your business goals.

Data governance services

The goal of data governance is to enable an organization to manage its data as a valuable asset. Data governance defines, approves, communicates and implements principles, policies, metrics, tools and responsibilities for data management. Data governance will also monitor and guide policy compliance, data usage and data management activities.

Here are a few examples of data governance services we offer:

  • Developing a business glossary that includes clear definitions of your business assets
  • Designing information models to show how assets are used, related and defined in the organization
  • Documenting your data flows in processes and in systems, so you know perfectly what information is based on what data
  • Describing data quality rules, so everybody in your organization knows what is good quality data
  • Setting up and assigning data management roles to provide safe and relevant access to data throughout your organization

Data governance for utilities and manufacturers

We especially like to help utility companies, manufacturers and industry 4.0 companies with the organization of their data processes, systems and resources. We can share our knowledge on data governance with your team or have one or more of our consultants offer you in-project support.