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Machine Vision

Data science for manufacturing

Supporting the data-driven factory

Manufacturing companies today use a variety of sensors to monitor every aspect of the production line. Kapernikov’s data scientists help these companies to turn a wealth of sensor data into information that can be used to increase productivity, predict maintenance and prevent expensive machine failures from happening. Data-driven production can help companies increase their profitability and reduce their OPEX and CAPEX.

Kapernikov can help you to deploy the entire data flow:

  • Data collection inside the machine
  • Data transfer to the cloud
  • Data processing and analytics

Data science services for manufacturers

Our data scientists help you manage the health and effectiveness of your assets and machines from the cradle to the grave.

We can help you to:

  • Select the appropriate sensors
  • Perform test cycles during development
  • Validate hardware designs in the field
  • Roll out your condition monitoring for predictive maintenance
  • Deploy advanced analytics to make predictions about maintenance

Machine learning for manufacturing

Kapernikov has proven experience with machine learning for predictive monitoring based on real or simulated data. We help manufacturing companies, machine constructors, mechatronics companies and other ‘factories of the future’ to forecast equipment breakdowns before they occur and schedule timely maintenance.

Used technologies

Industrial Internet-of-Things

Used solutions