Victor Pessers

Published on: December 29, 2018

“Family man making it work”

Combining a life as a parent and a working professional can be difficult sometimes. In search of a practical work-life balance, data consultant Victor worked out a job schedule with the Kapernikov management that allows him to spend more time with his family.

“As a single working parent, finding a work-life balance takes a bit of creativity,” says Victor.

Finding the right work schedule

Victor arrived at Kapernikov after completing his PhD in mathematics at the University of Leuven. In the beginning, Victor still retained a full-time work schedule at Kapernikov. However, it gradually became clear that this was going to be difficult to combine with his parental duties.

After discussing this with Kapernikov management, Victor agreed to a four fifths schedule, whereby the reduction of working hours is spread over a whole week. “This works better for me than taking a full day off work,” says Victor. “With the reduced working schedule, I can bring my children to school in the morning, then go to work, and in the evening, I can collect my children from school again.”

“Since the children are mostly staying with me, finding a work-life balance takes a bit of creativity. But Kapernikov has given me the space to make it work: now I can do my job to my own satisfaction and be there for my children too.”

Flexibility equals happiness

This arrangement is just one example of the flexibility Kapernikov holds so dear. Next to that, every Kapernikov employee can benefit from flexible working hours and the opportunity to work from home on a regular basis. Clearly, the company understands that work-life balance is essential to keep employees happy and productive.

“Of course, there will always be deadlines and times when you need to go the extra mile for Kapernikov,” says Victor. “On these occasions, I can count on a good daycare center to take care of my children. But generally speaking, Kapernikov allows me to have a rich life outside work as well.”