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Data Science

Data science

Do you want to optimize your day to day operations? By implementing operational intelligence systems, real-time data straight from the technical installations will guide your operations towards increased efficiency and productivity. Anno 2021, there is just no reason for classic high latency data pipelines.

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Data science animatie

How we do it

Our systems continuously gather and analyze information so you can make decisions accordingly. It allows you to quickly identify, and act on, opportunities in running operations. Apart from the day to day scale advantages and rapid decision making on an operational level, these systems also provide useful data for long term studies. This data will help you steer your factory floor in the right direction.

In short, by implementing operational intelligence systems we turn your current data into useful information, and of course enable you to use the platform yourself. How? Simple: we open up our toolset to you. We make it our personal mission to communicate, advocate, train and work together with your internal team and subcontractors. Together, we make sure the platform lives up to its full potential.

To do so, we provide:

  • Data architecture consulting (cloud + on premise)
  • Data integration (streaming + batch), ETL, ELT
  • Data migration (including rework and manual/scripted data enrichment)
  • Automation, CI/CD/MLops: we adhere to the best practices and support your data science team to do so as well
  • Training, technology evangelism
  • Integration with the edge

Our principles

To make our mission a successful one, we believe in a few simple yet non negotiable principles.

Small agile teams

To start with, we always work in small teams with polyvalent and highly skilled consultants. This ensures an efficient and flexible way of working.

We kiss

And by KISS we mean: ‘keep it simple, stupid’. Simplicity is key when it comes to the architecture of our platforms. And although technology is our first love, we always make sure the solution is not over-engineered.

We automate

We automate. Did we already say we automate, as much as possible? Call it our natural way of doing things, one that pays off quickly. We use a modern devops methodology with a focus on low cost development and fast paced integration and deployment.

The art is in knowing the state of the art

As your partner in all things tech, we stay on top of things. We know the market’s in’s and out’s and, more importantly, we know how to use that knowledge to your benefit.

We blend in

Last but not least, we are team players: we embrace your technical staff. We make sure to make efficient use of your workforce to reduce our bill to you, if you like.

Cases using data science

Ensuring data readiness for Infrabel Asset Management

Since 2012, Kapernikov has been ensuring the readiness of all master data used in Infrabel’s SAP EAM system. This has allowed the company to manage the maintenance of its installations more efficiently.

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Ensuring data readiness for Infrabel Asset Management animatie
Ensuring data readiness for Infrabel Asset Management animatie

Data-driven asset lifetime extension

Kapernikov helped Elia to obtain an accurate overview of the condition of all its network equipment and to create an effective risk management process . We applied several database analysis techniques to support the company with its asset management strategy.

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Data-driven asset lifetime extension animatie
Data-driven asset lifetime extension animatie
Data-driven asset lifetime extension animatie
Data-driven asset lifetime extension animatie

Master data management for Elia

As part of Elia’s Uniform Data Management program, Kapernikov developed a centralized reference database containing all of the company’s electrical assets. This database served as a reference for all departments and systems, which resulted in easier communication across the company.

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Master data management for Elia animatie
Master data management for Elia animatie
Master data management for Elia animatie

Supply chain and asset data collection for Infrabel

High-quality data about company assets is essential for efficient preventive maintenance. Based on our work with large utility and infrastructure companies, Kapernikov set up a comprehensive data collection campaign for Infrabel and offered the company a solid data collection framework for future ca …

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Supply chain and asset data collection for Infrabel animatie
Supply chain and asset data collection for Infrabel animatie
Supply chain and asset data collection for Infrabel animatie
Supply chain and asset data collection for Infrabel animatie
Supply chain and asset data collection for Infrabel animatie

How can data science help you?

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