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Operational Intelligence

Asset data collection

A proven method for streamlined data collection

High-quality data about company assets is essential for efficient preventive maintenance. However, for many asset managers, setting up a data collection campaign seems like an insurmountable task. Kapernikov offers utility and large infrastructure companies a solid and proven framework for asset data collection, making sure that organizations can collect all the data they need.

On-site data collection

Kapernikov is an expert on mining your existing asset data. Apart from structured data in databases, we process images and LiDAR data with machine learning algorithms to get to know your assets better. But in contrast to many other data management companies, Kapernikov does not limit itself to desk work. We also engage people to go out in the field for on-site asset data collection.

Kapernikov’s systematic, cyclic approach for data collection makes sure organizations get all the high-quality data they need without missing a thing:

  • Step 1: Collecting readily available data: We have a look at your existing databases and interview your staff to mine undocumented knowledge about your assets.
  • Step 2: Day-to-day work planning: We set up a day-to-day work planning and project forecast for the actual on-site data collection.
  • Step 3: Collecting data with the right tools: We label, scan or photograph your assets and document everything by means of thoughtfully developed scripts.
  • Step 4: Processing collected data: We transfer all collected data to the cloud and evaluate data quality.
  • Step 5: Automatic data processing: We use smart analytics to mine for data patterns and to make useful conversions, so your data becomes more valuable.
  • Step 6: Adapting the planning: After the first data collection and processing rounds, we update the rough planning into a more refined schedule.

Why your data collection campaign is safe with Kapernikov:

  • We involve your maintenance team early in the process.
  • We use the best tools for the job: Open Data Kit, barcode scanners and image recognition, GPS, QGIS.
  • We are flexible and adapt fast.
  • We think ahead about the use of data for predictive maintenance.
  • We train your staff on how to use the data.